


  • PDF Karl Grieshop wins John Maynard Smith Prize from the European Society of Evolutionary Biology (ESEB).
  • Former PhD student Nathaniel Sharp starts faculty position at U Wisconsin.


  • Aneil Agrawal is elected Vice-President (N. America) of the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE).
  • Tania Barrera, Meghan Lucky, and Prashastha Mishra join the lab as new graduate students.
  • Karl Grieshop joins the lab altering being awarded the Faculty of Arts & Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship.
  • Former PDF Matty Hartfield is awarded an NERC Independent Researcher Fellowship.


  • Eddie Ho completes his PhD. Congrats, Dr. Ho!
  • Former PDF Pepijn Luijckx starts a faculty job at Trinity College Dublin.
  • Ao Wang completes his MSc. Congrats, Master Wang!
  • Amardeep Singh publishes his first paper in Evolution.


  • Former PhD student Nathaniel Sharp is awarded ASN’s Young Investigator Prize.
  • Former PhD student Yuheng Huang starts PDF with J. Pool at U Wisconsin
  • Alison Wardlaw successfully defends her PhD! Alison now moves to a postdoc at U Minnesota with Y. Brandvain. Congrats Dr. Wardlaw!
  • Li Yun completes his MSc!


  • Aneil Agrawal is awarded the Steacie Prize for Natural Sciences.
  • Yuheng Huang  successfully defends his PhD. Well done, Dr. Huang!
  • PDF Matty Hartfield wins John Maynard Smith Prize from ESEB!
  • Nathaniel Sharp is awarded runner-up for Hamilton Award at Evolution 2015 in Brazil.