Aneil F. Agrawal
Distinguished Professor of Evolutionary Genetics
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
University of Toronto
25 Willcocks Street
Toronto, ON, Canada, M52 3G2
Tel: 1-416-946-5563
Zoology, University of British Columbia
Killam and NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow
Advisors: Drs. S. P. Otto & M. C. Whitlock
Biology, Indiana University
Ph.D. Program in Evolution, Ecology, & Behavior
Dissertation: The genetics and ecology of social interactions
Advisor: Dr. E. D. Brodie III
Zoology, University of British Columbia
B.Sc., Honours Evolution & Ecology
Thesis: A test for adaptive phenotypic plasticity in body armour of three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus
Advisor: Dr. D. Schluter

Awards & Honours
Steacie Prize for Natural Sciences (2015)
College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists, Royal Society of Canada (2015)
Steacie Fellowship, NSERC Canada (2013)
Outstanding Teaching Award, Faculty of Arts & Sciences, U of T (2011)
Accelerator Award, NSERC (2010)
Canada Research Chair (renewal), NSERC Canada (2009)
Robert H. Haynes Young Scientist Award, Genetics Society of Canada (2007)
Canada Research Chair, NSERC Canada (2004)
Theodosius Dobzhansky Prize, Society for the Study of Evolution (2004)
Young Investigator’s Prize, American Society of Naturalists (2004)
Howard Alper Prize, NSERC Canada (2004)
Postdoctoral Fellowship, NSERC Canada (2003-04)
Honourary Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship, Killam Trust, UBC (2003-04)
Presidential Award, American Society of Naturalists (2002)
Some Pictures!
At Evolution 2015 with Howard Rundle (U Ottawa) and Mohamed Noor (Duke) in Guaruja, Brazil (left).
Hiking in Arolla, Switzerland with Jenny Boughman (Michigan St. U.) prior to ESEB 2015 (right).
Visiting Roscoff, France with Stephen Wright for the Jacques Monod Conference in May 2013 (left).
Hiking in Snowbird, Utah with Howard Rundle, John Stinchcombe and Alison Wardlaw during Evolution 2013 (right).
Exploring cloud forest in Monteverde, Costa Rica with Kris Quinlan and the Brodies in Jan. 2012.
Hiking with my lab in Banff during CSEE 2011.
Hiking in the Italian Alps after ESEB 2009 with Maurine Neiman (U Iowa) and Doug Taylor (U Va).
Teaching a field course in Oaxaca, Mexico (2008) with Jonathan Shurin (UCSD) and John Stinchcombe (U of T).
(Right: me and Pachymedusa dacnicolor)